Come and Join us on Caucus Day this Saturday, this Holy Saturday. Hillary is the best candidate in my opinion because::::::: Tell me why you think she is the best candidate to be elected as the 45th President!!!!! 1.) She is the most experienced Political Candidate on the ballot. 2) She is seeking to change the laws with respect to 1) Campaign Finance Reform, and is also 100 % for Wall Street Reform. 3) She wants to update Federal Law with respect to Obamacare. 4) She seeks to change policies regarding Student Loans.
3) She will continue to support Planned Parenting. 4) She Will Stand up against Wall Street! 5) America has never in its History elected a Female President until this year. America needs to catch up with the rest of the world where women hold Executive Power. Even our Mother Britain who is now our greatest ally with France have already elected female Executives. Women have a genetically inherited ability that has been with them since the time of Humanity’s evolution from Homo Erectus to Homo Sapiens Sapiens. It is in there brain physiology to be able to multitask better than men in all areas. Men’s role continues to hold strong with our unique ability to move quickly, have bigger bones and stronger muscles and to protect their families, nations and cultures. Women have continuously been recognized as Great Administrators specifically due to their unique ability to multitask. And besides if women want to take command of the family and sociocultural responsibilities, let’s let them!. I think most men just want to be physical, active, and busy, building, making, and designing new tools to make things easier. Men probably tend to just love the hands on type of work. Personally, I love to risk everything and hop on my motorcycle and fly, and I tend to be the safest motorcyclist on the road. So let’s let these power women take command for a little while. They seem to be able to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. But we men need to be working, not just sitting at home and drinking beer and watching football. I think Hillary can prepare our nation for these kinds of new jobs and we men can get back to work doing the work we really love to do. If women want to bring home the bacon, let them!!! Hillary is the President that will best encourage that. If your a typical guy, what is your favorite activity? Are you tired of being told you have to carry the world on your backs, financially, emotionally? Wouldn’t you rather have more spare time to play, fish, hunt, and be outside learning about the beautiful environments you live in, while at the same time, feeling like you can indeed make a serious contribution to your family in all aspects not just financially? I know I would. Let’s agree to give women a little more executive power in our world, as the Hillary campaign is saying THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!! Let’s give Hillary a try for four years!! Let’ elect her in 2016. After she has sufficiently been given a chance to change and lead our country, and to prove to us that she can make the tough decisions if necessary with respect to Israel, ISIS, and Moslem Holy War crap, and essentially with U.S. Foreign Policy. We cannot afford to alienate our worldwide allies anymore. Let’s be the Nation we are intended to be!!! The Nation who honors free speech, Freedom of Religion, and Equal rights for all. We men can get back together on inventing, building, and innovating the world as we are intended. I love children, but I also love being busy at work. The responsibilities of parenting need to be truly equal for men and women. Two incomes is always better than one. Let us learn to give equal time and focus on being with our children but also on working and contributing financially to the family unit. After four years of Hillary, we might all be totally surprised to discover how great a job she has done. America needs to come back to the Center! We need to get things done as a Nation United on those values and core beliefs that continue to make our Nation the greatest in the world, and……reinstill a positive light on Government. In this next four years, lets commit to continuing to have a healthy and strong Democracy, and to ensure productivity, innovation, and enhanced social values, as well as fixing our horribly broken infrastructure. Hillary is the only candidate who can do all of these things for the greatest Nation on Earth!!!!! The United States of America. You know maybe we can offer statehood to Puerto Rico, and Guam!!! Both of these territories have an extremely strategic location for protecting our nation. Our nation can only work as a United Body!!!!! That is why we call ourselves the United States of America! I think Hillary may be the only one who can bring our nation back together as United on all fronts! GOP and DEMS working together for positive change and continued economic stability still continuing all of those qualities listed in the Bill of Rights that make or break our Nation!!! Come to Caucus’s in WA and vote with me for Hillary Clinton, the next President of the United States, the first woman President, the future 45th President of these Grand United States. For more information about me: check out my efolio at this link: