Profile link check out my offer up profile. right now, am selling a beautiful excellent shape Kawasaki Concourse 1350 cc sport touring bike, and a nice loom with some great natural dyed wool.

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Dancing is Universal

Just watch this wonderful video about how Dancing is truly Universal.  Dancers from all religions, beliefs and ideologies come together here, join me and dance for your Spirit and the Spirit of this grand World we all share and live in.   Also a more westernized version is Sara Bareilles doing a video for her song […]

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Impeachment processes being slandered by Ranking member Collins of House Judiciary Committee.

How we find our nation and its people today?  Senator McConnell claiming and directing his Senators from the Republican Caucus to treat the process in his own Senate Body as irrelevant, Assuring them that the Impeachment process is a big fat waste of time,(not his exact words) and that noone in his caucus should actually […]

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