As promised, I am continuing my exploration on this very powerful and unique conjunction. To begin, I will have to honor one of my little brothers, Mr. Will Smith. Dear Mr. Smith. I am so proud of you. I think you may be one of the few Academy Awards winners that really deserved. I’ve always felt a deep connection with all of your movies. This one is the BIG ONE. King Richard, lovely. Anger has darkened so many of us, of our sub-generation where Uranus-Pluto are close to or practically exact conjunct. You and I both, surpriingly, have this powerful world changing conjunction in our Fourth Houses. My Sun is right on top of your Gemini Rising, but I too, also have a Gemini Rising. And surprisingly, our Sun’s are exactly trine each other. Maybe that is why whenever I see your movies I am so honored to be associated with such a great performer as yourself. I had not expected to see any of the academy award winner movies but now I know that yours will be on my list.
You shoud accept the complement that this may be the greatest gift you could have offered in your performance for the world and our fellow brothers and sisters who too, share this crazy difficult to handle planetary configuation. You are a representative, and channeler for that same Love-Wisdom we share. Most modern astrologers have never actually stepped forward in trying to make any kind of unique interpretation at the level of our personality, Sun signs, and overall chart relationships when such slow moving outer planets which generally represent generational qualities not personal qualities, but like you when you combine, such powerful light Bringer planets, at 9:47 pm in Philadelphia, PA.
Why Not? Just for a preview. Will, would it be presumptious of me to say this about you in particular? I felt the emotion, I was there with you, when you accepted your first Academy Reward. It would not surprise me if people Like Ms. Roberts, President Obama, and Kamala Harris also felt your frustration and Anger, but also your deep relief and caring capacity when you gave your acceptance speech. Your confrontation with Rock doesn’t help, but that is not what I am here to share with your. Today, and for the past couple months, have you been feeling helpless, discouraged, aobut how in some ways you might interpret it this way, that I have all this money, I care so much, my role in King Richard, demonstrated deeper a sense of deep frustration, and concern about how Black Women, and Black’s have been treated for so long. When the camera flashed onto Serena, and her sister, I could see it in their eyes how proud they also felt about your performance in this academy award winning movie, that I will see soon. Your tears were authentic, and in some ways, so was your Anger………. with Rock. But all of us have to rise up in these trying times and face the world as we can , and as we are. This is a common thread I believe for many of us and our loved ones born in this narrow window when Uranus and Pluto were together in Virgo. The greater step now is for all of us, as a United Subgneration, of misfits in a way, to stand together, to speak softly, but CARRY A MASSIVE STICK…………. You and I your Astrologer if you wish also have a similar feeling and dedication to a deep loving caring compassion for the world. In many ways we are World Servers., you and I. and that is why it is even more imperative that we learn to speak softly. The soul energy that comes out of Gemini from an esoteric astrological point of view is that of Love-Wisdom. But Love-Wisdom only works well when a certain amount of Will power comes through for aren’t all of us on a path of a Will-to-Love? Will, I raise these questions about the last couple months for you, because when I looked at your chart, you have Chron in the first degree of Aries, one of the few born towards the end of this passage of 7 years when we were born, has this particular planetary position of Chiron in Aries/Retrograde. Do you feel a drive to Heal the world, but just don’t know how to manifest it, how to apply in your everyday life? This award may be the highest achievement you get in this lifetime, and I can’t express how truly proud I am of your success, as a fellow crazy dude born in this weird and wild Planetary configuration. Just in case you didn’t know it, Keannu Reeves, Carrie Ann Moss, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Julia Roberts and others share the planeary configuration in which Uranus, and Pluto are both in Virgo. But you have a driving force too to express a new kind of Healing energy, that many of us, may find perplexing, but that too also is why we admire you and your success so much. Aries, is of course ruled by Mars, When you continue to access how this healing energy will be expressed most appropriately, I expect you wont’ be whacking your buddies over an overreaction on your part, to what he thought he was joking about. I will send this mini interpretion for you and Chris Rock at Twitter, and you can also access my website at Facebook, Linkedin, etc. I hope we can work together. I think your thoughts and feelings about Astrology, and sharing that planetary configuration all three of us share of Uranus Pluto in Virgo. But for you it might be felt even more intensely because you also have Sun, Juptier, and Vulcan that also conribute to these crazy energies of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. With the Sun in Libra, you may be guided to express these potently grounded kinds of energies much more effectively than Chris and I. For when people try to put you in a box as a loving husband, friend and partner, that also has a powerful sense of justice, they will also experience your eccentricity, deep sensitivy, and everthing else that goes with your strong personality. Chris Rock I can’t imagine was trying to press that button, he probably didn’t know how many of us identify with his jokes, except in your case, because partnership, love, compassion, and dedicated loving focus are so important I might imagine as valuable qualities of yours. He was much more attempting I believe to connect that sub-generational energy we share, and didn’t even know it. He didn’t realize how truly individual we also are, when around our fellow sub-generational group of misfits.
Chris Rock, Buddy, I hope you work it out with Will Smith. I think it is in our nature to have to deal with the intense anger we tend to suppress wherever Uranus and Pluto are in our charts. For Will and I we deal with it in terms of what might be felt or experienced as challenging and overly sensitive. But for you Chris if after exploring where Uranus and Pluto fall in your chart, your sense of humor emerges out of the Chaos, and radicalness of Life. I loved your performance in Dogma, the sarcasm kills in a funny way. With an Aquarius Sun, your sun rines Will Smith’s Rising., but your jokes are at times out of taste, but when you create a new skit, it’s hilarious. Maybe that is why in many cases your jokes are so well-received for those of us born in our crazy radical subgeneration. The creativy is strong, but the taste can be a bit rough. You made me believe in part the possiblity that maybe Christ was actually darker skinned than we would normally think, and that is the joke, for no matter how we feel or understand the Christ, he may be seen as dark-skinned for many, for it is a quality of our understanding and spiritual development that we expeirence him. But in today’s modern world, I don’t think the Christ would have any association with skin color and would not be racist as we might recognize him today. Chris R., if my estimate is more accurate for your Rising, the energy of Taurus, not Aries, as some might assume is about personal value, Will, and outspokeness. Aquarius, and Taurus both carry a Christ/Buddhic feel to them, and Taurus is maybe what kept you from overreacting when Will punched you at the Oscars. Taurus energy requires tons of restraint some times, when the rage is gorging through, the strength and reserve you demonstrated is uncommon. I am not sure what I would have done, if I got a punch from Will as you did. Last time I got punched, was a fluke, related to a desperate homeless person, who I think was also hung up on drugs. If a bruse is forming maybe, take that cold steak and nurse your wound. We couldn’t see it and that is why we couldn’t tell if it was just a nasty skit. I applaud your strength in not pressing charges against our little brother Will
I think many of us born with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo as being the elders of our sub-generation you and I, have learned restraint. and how to control our reactions. Will is probably dealing intensely with another planetary transit, that is called a Chiron Return, that happens very close to age 50. You and I have already worked that first Chiron Return out. because its been seven years, now, and as we age together, we can help our brothers and sisters in this sub-generation And our Chiron is in a very weird place, Pisces. very expanded and nutty, like we are always at some level on an acid trip whether we know it or not. That is the nature of Chiron in Pisces, opposite those two big guys Uranus, and Pluto in Virgo. Maybe much of your success as a comedian is related to how you channel those healing energies that I would say at the level of the Collective expression, of large groups. For Will, his sense of humor is kind of backwards, in the first degree of Aries. Probably his level of anxiety was already more than he could handle, and you kind of pushed him over the edge with your joke. Sorry about that. As I reviewed my estimated version of your chart, I also noticed, that you have Mars, conjunct, Uranus and Pluto also in Virgo. This can be a rather difficult relationship. Maybe it was out of a need to demonstrate your male, energy, unsuccessfully, that powerful Mars, and probably many who look at you see that instead of the radical energies of Uranus and Pluto conjunct that are also deeply connected to our Uranus, Pluto conjunction. Its a sub-generational thing. It probably relates to why many guys in particular can feel and be entertained by your unque brand of humor, especially us guys. Other guys might have felt the joke, but when you push someone over the edge, for a common joke, there are many factors that could be involved.
But in the end you also used Restraint Master Rock. Thanks for that………….. It would not have been fun, or entertaining if you and Will ended up exhanging more blows on national TV. He knocked you out of your normal way of thinking, maybe that is what you needed, and together, we in this Sub-generation all have an ability to knock each other out of our normal thinking processes, in many cases, we might be totally unpredictable, overly spontaneous, and eccentric once we realize our deep sub-generational connections, that many of us may not be fully attuned to until as early as our 50th birthday, with the Chiron Return. Maybe that is why I’m finally feeling enough confidence to begin this grand journey and book on finding common ground amongst our fellow Uranus and Pluto in Virgo sub-generational collective group of misfits. I can’t wait to see if certain other Uranus and Pluto Virgo generational persons join me in the development of this book.
With this Conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in our charts, it can be intense. Is there a more accurate birth time for you in South Carolina?, If you actually do have the Aries Ascendant, it is interesting to note, however, from the Shamanic Astrology perspective, since the birth time is so inaccurate, that maybe you Chris Rock could illuminate us.
We are One People, as was demonstrated on when at the global level uranus moved out of Virgo and begun its approximately 7 year journey in Libra, at the Moon landing of July 20, 1969 at 7:56 pm PST around the world.
The really weird thing about this event, this is as good as any example of the point at which Uranus Leaves the constellation Virgo, and begins its 7 year journey through the Constellation Libra.
Anyway. As I write this week’s post Will Smith for the first time ever Wins the Best Actor Academy Award. Oscars, and world, the conflict between Chris Rock and Will Smith is not the big deal today. The big deal is that Mr. Smith has finally one his first Academy Award for Best Actor. Nothing else matters. HEAR THAT WILL, But you still need to work out the differences with Rock’s nasty remark about Jada Pinket Smith. We need to honor you Budd, not ridicule you for the stupid mistake you made punching Chris Rock. This is what divides our Country, the U.S. the Greatest Nation On Earth, we need to come together as the greatest opposition with NATO to stand together against the continued attacks on the sovereign people and Nation of Ukraine, all of us, and our Sub-generational brothers and sisters. And Damn it!!!! Oscars, Will Smith, and several other Minority actors need not be discriminated against by your board, which has been happening for a Long Time. Whether the White Nationalist Pigs like it or not, America is a Diverse Country. Blacks, Whites, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Jewish, etc. These people make our Country Great, not the past B.S. that has been happening often at the Academy Awards.
Will, Chris, and all the rest of us born with this wild individualized conjunction which include Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, and many others, Julia Roberts need to have a talk about the significance of the sub-generational Outer planet configuration in which all of you have Uranus, Pluto in the Sign of Virgo. There are more individualized traits that we can all work with in these unique Outer Planet positions we all share.
Enough for now, Will Smith, Chris Rock, you’re featured!!!!!!!!!!!
This is why we need to come together as one potent and ascetic Uranus-Puto in Virgo Sub-generation, for we are not Y generation persons, and not truly Baby Boomers, but a narrow window of Uranus-Pluto in Virgo Sub-generation. And crazily, you Chris Rock, Will Smith, and I are of a few persons born in a narrow window from 1962 to 1969. And its really crazy as I did my deliniaton not until Uranus, makes a last 1 month final journey through in June, and July 1969, and begins its journey into Libra. Chris, Will, you need to apologize to each other publicly, and together, Let’s dig deeper in understanding ourselves. I am happy to help you work out some of the more fine details of what it means to have Uranus, Pluto in Virgo in the 4th and 5th houses. Chris man, you after I did an additional estimation on your chart feel like you are more likely to have a Taurus Rising, instead, of an Aries Rising, and Mr. Smith, you and I have the Gemini Rising. Here are some thoughts for the both of you to consider in terms of how we work at the Soul Level with the fellow members of our unique sub-generation that is not Baby Boomer or Generation Y.