From the Nobody White Voting Citizen of the U.S. Registered Democrat in the State of Washington.
I listened to both National Conventions, in which Donald Trump and J.D. Vance were nominated by the GOP to run for President and Vice President of the United States, and when Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were nominated by the Democratic Party to run for President and Vice President. It is clear that the only ones that qualify and deserve to be President and Vice President are clear on a number of factors which include Criminal Justice, For the People, Loyalty, Honesty and Truth, Foreign Policy, Diversity running for All of America not just a tiny small group of Trump personality Cultists who claim to be representing the Grand Ole Party, women’s lack of the right to Choose, and Project 2025. Former Illegally elected President Donald Trump claims to become a Dictator on Day One when he takes the Oath of Office; sorry my BAD, Legally Elected President provided we honor the archaic and outdated, but non-effective consideration of a National Electoral College. Let’s not poopoo the Electoral College for at a time in almost premodern > 3 centuries, this archaic attempt at granting votes from Rural states to feel as if they have some kind of equal influence beyond merely population based votes to elect a President throughout the life of our Great Nation, the United States of America. The problem today is more often then not it doesn’t support the Majority Rule foundation of counting votes to seat Presidents of the United States. We choose our Leaders on the foundation of such archaic outdated rules as defined by the Electoral College, and growing voting citizen population numbers in modern America almost 300 years after its founding. But nonetheless according to the U.S. Constitution, it is not the fourth leg and foundation of our Great Nation, i.e. WE THE PEOPLE that defines who will be seated in the Offices of the President and Vice President that determnines who becomes or is elected President, but rather an Archaic and outdated system unable to meet the shifting Changes of our Modern gradually becoming diversified Nation of Immigrants. YES, Believe or Not the United States of America was intended initially in the U.S. Constituion to be a Nation of Immigrants. We grew this U.S. Constituion ratified 1789 13 years after the Declaration of Independence was signed into Law in 1776 as a means for attracting a Diversity of Persons from Around the World to make it an equal and Sound Nation of Voting Citizens, as a majority of People, i.e. WE THE PEOPLE who were and are the Sole Body for Self-Determination in our Great Nation, The GREATEST NATION ON EARTH, and probably on that same NOTE the most Powerful Nation On EARTH in modern day.
I am reminded by that great Gift from our Brother Nation France from across the Sea, “The Statue of Liberty
“She is an icon, a national treasure, and one of the most recognizable figures in the world. Each year millions who cherish her ideals make the journey to experience her history and grandeur in person. She is the Statue of Liberty, a symbol of freedom, inspiration, and hope.”(see Link here: Today a powerful message is already breaking the internet Airwaves, Isn’t she Charismatic, Beautiful? Can She Lead our Great Nation through the Next Decade? Are Women ready for such Great Leadership Roles and Power? Is our Country ready for such Glorious Leadership and Power Models? ………….hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hillary Clinton almost became our President, Al Gore Too, and at least three other contested elections throughout American History. See here for an extensive analysis of the ever growing uselessness of the Electoral College promoting rather Minority Rule in terms of number of votes Cast for the seating of a President of the United States. Trump has already decreed if you vote this year, you will never have to vote again for President of the United States, were fixiing it, paraphrasing Lying Dictator WANNA- BE Donald Trump. You can also confirm most if not all of this information with a simple data check on the Project 2025 book, Trump is attempting to disown, even though he was involved in almost every aspect of its Publication.

Anyway let’s get back to our Discussion my Fellow Voting Citizens of the United States of America. This is an extremely charismatic AI Vision created of Kamala Harris. Sorry Madam Vice President, but let’s compare your actual body measurements. Please don’t take my comment the wrong way. YOU ARE INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT. If ever you decide to separate from First Gentlemen to BE, come knock on my door, just kidding………………We’re born in the same year, and surprisingly as an Astrologer, your chart is amazing, as a Libra Goddess of power, toughness, and Integrity, with a Gemini Rising like myself. And I ran a really amazing chart of your nomination acceptance, to review, with Mars, and Jupiter transiting our Rising Signs, and Trining your Sun Sign at 28 Libra, with great help for our fellow sub-generationers(their calling Gen X Babyboomers) although that label is not entirely true. We are a group of subgenerational X/Babyboomers born with a very Unique combination of Uranus/Pluto that forms a powerful outer planet configuration we had the fortunate gift of being born with. Other members like Barack Obama although the orb between his Uranus and Pluto is slightly >10 degrees but nonetheless one of us, Michelle Obama, Tim Walz, and his 2nd Lady to be, Gwen Walz, and you’re hubby Doug is also one of us. Will Smith, to name a few. Now back to those proportional measurements of yours. 35-25-35 “. Interesting, so it looks like the above AI image isn’t completely off. no matter, you’re beautiful Inside and Out. One of those old measurements many of us Nobody white guys might remember is 36-24-34. Marilyn Monroe I think. anyway this old white dude is still bound to those darned male hormones. but today’s transits when you accepted the nomination for the Democratic Party with Tim Walz shows a shining Venus, hitting all of our subgenerations Uranus/Pluto conjunct in Virgo (baby boomers/x geners)
So President Biden already expressed concern and intention to have a constitutional meeting to discuss term limits in the U.S. Supreme Court. If such a process were to occur, one of the most difficult problems we need to fix is to abolish the Electoral College. The United States of America is a Democracy, and as a result that means that WE THE PEOPLE are the fourth leg of this Government. Every Vote Must Count!!!!!!! If we continue to condone minority Rule, then fine. But as members of the Voting Citizens of this Great Nation, this is not the foundation of a successful Democracy. Majority RULE is. What Biden is proposing with a Constitutional Meeting is great pertinent to whether we truly want to have a Majority Rule Democratic Republic any more. The reason why I am calling myself a Nobody White Mixed race Voter is simple. I am so greatful for Presidents Biden with the U.S. Congress, and President Clinton to help me with my Student Loan Debt. As of today, I received a letter from Nelnet my former Loan Provider confirming to me, that I have proceeded with the 3-year waiting period of being Permanently Disabled that they and the U.S. Government have forgiven for a second time in my life, almost 175000 in student loan debt. Thank You United States Government under President Biden and Vice President Harris, at least until she is confirmed and takes the Oath to the highest office in these lands. She is my Heroine in our Modern World, a Goddess of Justice, Integrity, Honesty and the American Way in this our Great Nation, the United States of America. Currently I spend 10 to 15 dollars a month to buy lotto tickets in my state since that seems to be the only way in which I can try and keep my Head above Water with my 91 year old Mother, who was a Key Administrator of Women’s rights, and Affirmative Action with Daniel J. Evans, Governor for 3 terms in the State of Washington, Today I have less than 10.00 to my name until I receive my Disability Check next Week, on Wednesday, August 29. 2024. Every day I receive 20 plus emails from Kamala Harris’ Team asking for more money. Today the Democratic Party received upwards of a Million dollars I think of donations to their campaign, yet they continue to ask my mom and I, at this point almost at Poverty Level Income for more money. We barely have enough to buy food, and pay rent and yet the Democratic Party keeps on asking us for more money. My mother is probably one of the earliest Feminist and rights for Women Advocate. She and I need to be rewarded for our efforts, in helping America to see the deep importance of supporting and opening doors between all of those White, and Mixed race people, that will elect Kamala Harris by possible one of the largest Landslide Victories in thei History of our Great Nation. I want to support your Team Kamala, but I am like the onion of which your party continue to squeeze every ounce of life supporting money in your fundraising activities. We love our Country, We Love You, but I spend 10 to 15 dollars a month in the hope and optimism that I might be able to give you 100000 dollars in a donation. My chances of winning are extremely slim. but it is the only way I can consider giving your party any more money. Its a tragedy that me a 6-career success. Yet I cannot afford to keep our home with a clean and sanitary place to pee and poop. My mom and I are being pushed out of our apartment due to the lack of income required to pay our rent, put food on the table, and pay for health care. I want you to WIN. But I have had just about as much as I can take. So here are some ideas to consider for you and your team to consult with President Biden, in order to more securely affirm you will be elected President of the United States. President Biden has already expressed concern that the Justice System in America is broken, that Donald Trump must serve time in Jail, if not for the rest of his life for his Treasonous Crimes against our Country at January 6, and his 34 felony convictions again a beautiful loving hard-working Mother Porn Start Stormy Daniels, who is being sued yet again by Trump for retribution even though he is the one who needs to face his charges, and go to Jail. It is a sorry time today, although I do not condone Capital Punishment, that used to be the only punishment fit for the Crimes against Humanity, the Voters of America, and our Great Nation of Treasonous acts against this great nation. If he had tried this 100 years ago, he might be facing the gallows, but he seems instead to be getting away with everything under the Sun. and his team of cultists who attacked the Capitol on January 6 would be facing the same kinds of Capital Punishment for their crimes against Humanity, and our Country. When you took that oath, to defend the Constitution and any enemies foreign and domestic it was an Oath of higher Justice. No One IS ABOVE the LAW.
So here are some remedies to explore, how close can Biden act right now to pause all campaign financing, or whatever it takes to take action to stop what is happening in our Country? Am I talking Martial Law? I hope not. but if we were to put the funding on Hold for campaigns financing, via an Executive Order or something like that under the Constituion to require that all the States to have a Constitutional meeting for 3 primary changes and amendments to the Constitution perhaps as a means to fulfil their individual governmental responsibilities to the Rule of Law, the United States of America, under the United States Constitution. How easy or how hard could it be? Why couldn’t you and President halt all election stuff, yet keep the election right on track for us to cast our Votes, working only on creating ballots for us to vote in November, break the walls of judicial delays and Red Tape, and subpoena Trump to receive his charges, and finish up any pending trials he’s facing, and at the same time require all states as a fulfillment of their responsibilities to the United States of America, and meet to discuss Term limits for the U.S. Supreme Court, Reinstate Roe vs. Wade. subpoena all the enemies to our Democracy in our United States Congress under the Department of Justice, those who are blatantly delaying and attacking the Rule of Law in Both Houses, and also delete the Electoral College from our Government elections processes. I am sure that there are potentially 17 to 23 States that are already to present arguments for or against the Electoral College, have those Legislatrues Vote virtually or in person on these Constitutional matters. I know it can be done, especially when you are engaging 10 of thousands of voters remotely, to meet and discuss these three primary amendments, though those groups like Childless cat ladies for Harris,Childless Cat men for Harris, White Dudes for Harris, Black Women for Harris, LGBTQ’s for Harris, etc. etc. etc. instead of these groups we have 50 State Legislatures in fulfillment of State responsibiliteis to the United States of America, and the United States Constitution, How long would that take? a month? And a partial amount say 5 or 10 percent of campaign monies not being used immediately as we halt the election briefly could be returned until we could add under the Constitution one other amendment limiting campaign finance temporarily until the next cycle of elections when minor adjustments could be made to make campaign finance more affordable to those of us who contribute money to these campaigns. Once the new Session begins in the House and Senate shortly after you take the Oath of Office of the President of the United States after the elections, the votes have been certified by the acting authority who will be temporarily replacing you for the certification of the vote counts, and if Trump survives avoiding prison, which shouldn’t happen, after he is sentenced for his Crimes, and votes for him could be counted safely and without threat along with your votes after you Win. then we can begin to return to normal. This could happen pretty quickly after the Electoral College will have been abolished, and your popular vote counts will make you President of the United States. But if this is too much, I am going to have to start blocking any interactions requesting money from your campaign, and may instead with many others who might be interested in finding Solutions now instead of more delays, and our Judicial System can be improved on the National Level with respect to Voting Rights, Trump can be sentenced for his Crimes and spend the rest of his Life in Jail with chains on his ankles, and America rebuilds and restructures itself with the new Constitutional amendments ratified and in place. I will be sharing this with my entire audience, on social media and everywhere. That is what I can Do. and Will Do, We must fix our broken Judicial system and voting system before its too late, and more eligible candidates such as yourself, can make Politics Positive again. And perhaps we can begin to solve our Housing problems. If you don’t know, I’m 60 like yourself, and a white dude of mixed race and heritage, who has never been given a chance in his entire life to own a home. To create the American Dream, etc, unlike yourself. I have had 6 successful careers in Banking, Landscaping, Clerical/Admin, Health Care, Warehousing, and currently have owned my business for more than 30 years, yet I make with my mom, a household income of just barely above the poverty level, We don’t qualify for aid upwards or downwards because we are about 3 percent or less above the poverty level. I have two Master’s Degrees in Transpersonal Psychology, specializing in Creativity and Innovation, and Spiritual Psychology, a Bachelors degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, had two primary C.N.A. health certificates, a Certified Pesticide and Herbicide applications license, helped designed one of the most financially based coding systems interfaces for the 3rd largest International Bank HSBC Bank, NA in the World, our computer coding interfaces are the foundation for Global financial transfer and customer service interface systems networks around the World. I chose not to take a commision in the U.S. Navy ROTC program in the eighties in which I would have been provided by our government 4 years paid college, and 2 years Active Duty on Nuclear Carriers, those very Carrier groups You and Biden have sent to the Black Sea, and the North Pacific to face Nuclear Threats from North Korea, China, or Iran, Syria, Russian Nuclear Threats in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, but I chose not to accept this commission, because, I knew that If I had I would likely not be alive today to share this story with you on my Independently Self-Hosted Website, with already 1000 plus hits and view worldwide. Instead immediately I was accepted to the University of Washingtoin School of Physics and Astronomy, that I started but never finished although able to transfer all my undergraduate credits and two more years half-time study to receive my Bachelors Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University, in Portlland, Oregon, formerly a prestigious Catholic College, but I am now finally able to be paid to be my 92 year old Mother’s Primary In Home Caregiver, with one other agency Caregiver that we’ve had to cut her hours in half from 5 to 6 hours/week so I can be paid to assist my mom as her primary Caregiver. We are only allowed 20 complete Hourse of caregiving help a month, from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, who is contracted through the State of Washington to provide health care service to my mom, She is still very alert and aware, smart as a whip, no sign of Demential or Alzheimers at all………and she can still walk upright without a Walker. She’s an Amazing Woman. But we are barely able to afford our rent, my fully and totally Electric EV made by Subaru, our only vehicle, in the State of Washington. I am now in debt settlement owe less than 20000 in credit card debt, and both of us have filed Chapter 7 once. I am permanently disabled with a lesser form of Anxieity Disorder, after making a full recovery from a diagnoses of Schizoaffective Schizophrenia. I feel a deep and powerful connection already to Tim Walz’s son, with ADHD, at 17 years old. And what I get daily from you and your campaign is more request for donations. I think I’ve already donated this year alone more than 120.00 to your or the Democratic Party through Act blue and entered two of your raffles to be present with you at this Convention, and Biden before he passed the torch to you. of course not been chosen to come and spend time with you or Biden in either case. I am tired of receiving your campaign donation request from your AI Bots. and feel that AI needs much more regulation now than ever before. My mom and I can barely afford to put food on the table and keep clean sanitzed toilets. the Water in Vancouver, WA is unsafe to Drink, so we filter all the tap water we drink. Last night the building we live in is so old with extremely narrow sewage pipes, and usually two or three times a year, either of our toilets overflow. Our rent only increases exactly to the highest raises we receive on our Social Security every year. There is a lot more, but I want you and Walz to Win. So join me, and anyone else who sees the value of this message and join with Biden to initiate a full constitutional meeting with all the States of our Great Uniion and fix these problems before Trump gets away with another steal of the office, solely by the Electoral College, an Archaic old system that must go now, before the General Election, then you will almost certainly be elected President of the United States soley by the Popular Vote, The Voting citizens of America Love you, let’s fix our broken legal, and elections systems today. God Bless you and God bless our Great nation, Aum, Peace, Amen, Shalom, Aho, In shah Allah, Namaste, and blessing Dear Sister in the Light of the Soul of America. We are READY TODAY and NOW to fix the world and our debiltating nation.