Just watch this wonderful video about how Dancing is truly Universal. Dancers from all religions, beliefs and ideologies come together here, join me and dance for your Spirit and the Spirit of this grand World we all share and live in.  Also a more westernized version is Sara Bareilles doing a video for her song Brave. Here is the first link, of truly Universal Dancing and how we all should be joining in for greater awareness and truth.
And a second Link from my Youtube Channel of Sara Bareilles.  https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDY5ZWtsMjZ4RVFHZF9GUU5NR1IzUk55OEJBd3xBQ3Jtc0tsRFRjYWVHdGdBNjhlMVdMRVBfaE5mT1FKM29INGxiNE5Pb09NQ1ZMZm1SQ090UEVCY1UwT05ueE1kbU5IWF9QZ0I0dDd5Y0dUV212U3pxeWNQbXVRY0xCaFpFWEZ6N1ZFX0l4UFpRcjE1ZWJ5OXR6OA%3D%3D&q=http%3A%2F%2Fsmarturl.it%2FSaraBareillesSpoti&v=QUQsqBqxoR4&event=video_description
Our world is changing and we can only change with it. God Bless, Let’s dance together in service to the greater humanity that we are all a part of. In Portland, OR, in New York City, in Paris,France, in Nigeria, in Kenya, in Du Bai. America needs your love and support in these dark and tragic times with a President who seeks to destroy everything that America Stands for.  For Love and Peace, Join me in the Great Dance.      Another song, for you to think about and know.
more Dancing,  God Bless us all.
In One sense we all might be or are Lords and Ladies of the Dance, Let’s share our true essence and join in the Dance of Shiva.
Finally, How does Sufi Pray?   https://youtu.be/kVykC5En59g