A Prayer for the Fallen Ones, our ancestors and those who still fight the good fight for a United Nation Under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All. Amen.

Our Fathers, brothers, and sisters who art in heaven, who died in service to their country hallowed be their names. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us all from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.


Let us not forget those who also fought to maintain a strong Union in defense of a divided nation under God, as is today, and may be tomorrow forever and ever.

War is a waste of time and money. Dividing a nation is as bad or worst. Two of my Great Grandfather’s fought on both sides of the American Civil War.  Their names were George Washington Johnson, and Andrew Jackson Mills. They fought to Unite not Divide a nation in turmoil regarding the value of the Human Being.  Grandfather Johnson fought for the South, and Grandfather Mills fought for the North.  They  fought in an attempt to cease the destruction of our nation, to bring together a divided nation.  As Abraham Lincoln so aptly stated in his House Divided Speech.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become lawful in all the States, old as well as new — North as well as South.” Abraham Lincoln’s House Divided Speech,  June 16, 1858

In this speech there is a reference towards Current President Douglas regarding Lincoln’s concerns against President Douglas nonopposition to slavery.  “Douglas if not a dead lion, for this work is at least a caged and toothless one.  How can he oppose the advances of slavery? He don’t care anything about it. His avowed mission is instead to impress the “public heart” to care nothing about it. Now, as ever, I do not intend to misrepresent Judge Douglas’ position, question his motives, or do ought which can be personally offensive towards him…… but clearly he is not now with us ——-he does not pretend to be, ——he does not promise to ever be. Our cause must be intrusted to , and conducted by his undoubted friends—–those who hands are free, whose hearts are in the work who do care for the result.” (Lincoln, House Divided Speech) Lincoln then ends his speech with,………..” of strange, discordant , and even hostile events, we gathered from the four winds, and formed and fought the battle through. under the constant, hot fire of a disciplined , proud, and pampered enemy.  Did we brave all then, to falter now? —-now when that same enemy is wavering, dissevered, and belligerent?”

Amazing how the similarities of this speech seem to parallel Trumps attempts at destroying what is left of America. when Lincoln attacks Douglas in this last paragraph, it is clear, with his words, his intention to fix and resolve this problem of a divided nation.

Donald Trump may not be purvey to the statements of his own Democracy, for in the Subjective expression of Trump’s incessant ranting and raving, saying that he was spied on by his own government, and others, when he has open dialogue with our greatest long term enemy Russia.  It makes me wonder how such a dark evil man could be elected into the highest office of this country.

Trumps claims are baseless, accusatory, and partially accepted as absolute truth with out any bearing on reality.  As Lincoln says, this cannot continue, A House Divided cannot and won’t stand.  It is time now for us all to pray to take Lincoln’s statements to Heart, Republican, and Democrats in an attempt to save what has already been lost in the first four months of Trump’s Presidency that only seeks to violate all aspects of what makes this nation great.

Let us stand together today now, and join hands in protest of ever letting our United Nation fall into the darkness that might befall it. Let us join together and impeach, and elect a President of these United states who will stand for the Union not for their own self interests.

On the day my sister and I and my mother were honored at the National Cemetery near Sacramento almost seven years ago the three of us were honored with a gift of our National flag. Because two of my brothers were not able to attend, we decided to send that flag to my brother who now lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, the father of my nephew John James Garceau. Warren Garceau,

I hope he still has that flag and knows the great sacrifices our father had to make in honor or our freedoms. I also hope that all of us Americans can join together to make the necessary changes required to secure a safe United States without any more need to kill our American brothers and sisters who stand divided at this difficult time in American History. by a President who only seems to encourage further divisions of that which has always made America Great. Join me my fellow Republicans and Democrats and let us bring back the strength and power once again of a United Nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all. Donald Trump is not that man,. You know it, I know it, America must come back together in a United Front against a President who only seeks to create Chaos, Prejudice, and disorganization.

We should also honor those two men who stood up and gave their lives in defense of freedoms on the Portland, OR Max system when a skinhead, with ties to white supremacy started attacking verbally and emotionally a couple of immigrant women wearing Hijads who only sought to be accepted for their heritage as the American Citizens that they were. Two men stood up against the perpetrator, who then fatally stabbed them because they spoke up against the tyranny he represented in his attempt to undermine the unity and greatness that continues to make America Great. Police say Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, who has ties to white supremacy, targeted the girls for “religiously and racially motivated reasons.”. He is now in custody being held without bail in the Multnomah County Jail in Portland, OR for his alleged homicides.

Because no one is guilty without being taken to trial here in this great nation of the United States, this dark hateful man will get to defend himself in court. because no matter how evil and dark a person might be, because the person is a citizen they deserve a Trial. Let us hope the jury in this case find it in their hearts to prosecute this murderer to the full extent of the law and make this killer’s sentence extreme and fair. I am not sure if Oregon has Capital Punishment or not, if they don’t then Jeremy Christian should at least spend the rest of his life in prison with an extensive program to help this poor soul retrain his mind. and let him truly feel the guilt he should embody for his crimes against humanity, and against this great nation.